10:27 AM

You just never know: Ministry through...the Internet

submitted by Ann Scarth, RN
Wesley Nurse, Mason, Texas

You just never know - that should be something everyone should be mindful of as we minister to our communities, because it is so true.

On February 8, one of my articles appeared in the Mason County News, announcing the launching of my grief support group in Mason. Gerry Gamel, the editor, is always helpful with getting news out. Not long after the article was published, I came into my office and saw that I had a phone message. The message was from the bereavement coordinator of a hospice in Austin. He wanted information about my support group as he had a referral. Before we finished our conversation, I asked him that burning question, “How did you find out about me?” His response rocked my world, “I googled you.”  I couldn’t believe it. I had NO idea that I was on the web other than the MHM Blog. So I went on the Internet & typed in “grief support group Mason, TX” just as this fellow said he had done and there was my Mason County News article! Holy Cow, I had no idea that my article for the local newspaper was on the web, but there it was.

Do you remember the prayer of Jabez? It’s in I Chronicles 4: 9-10:

Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory.
That Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil. 

Well, I used to pray that more often than I do now. However, I have to confess that sometimes I’m a fearful Christian because in the back of my mind I can hear the warning, “Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.” Step back fear and doubt - I don’t want to be cheated anymore.

I received the most precious blessing, because my territory has been enlarged in a way I could never have imagined. The person referred to me has now been attending my support group for two months. The Lord has enlarged my territory with the potential to reach so many. I thought I was a pretty insignificant player in His game, but now I know that we all have a part. Together, my editor friend and I are reaching others through the Mason County News and ministering for the Lord…..on the Internet! Praise the Lord!